A Year In Review: 2020
[At the end of every year, I try to go through this process of reflecting back at the year, remembering some of the good moments, retrospection on the bad and reminding myself of things that I learnt from all of it. This might, however, be the first time I ever formally write down some of those thoughts. Here's hoping that this practice continues.] 2020 brought about a lot of ups and downs for the whole world. My year, like everyone else's, did not turn out much as I had expected at the beginning of the year, but today, on the first day of 2021, looking back at 2020 in the rearview mirror for the first time, I feel quite content, grateful for all the positive things that happened, big or small, and hopeful and optimistic for this new year. The beginning of last year saw my second date with a special someone. And two weeks ago saw our first anniversary. It would have been a weird, funny, interesting year for any relationship, and it was especially so for a new one, but one that...